Cauliflower... that goodness!

January 18, 2020

Roasted cauliflower with carrot and cashew sauce and edible flowers

Ingredients for 4

1 medium sized white cauliflower
2 carrots
100 gr of cashews
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 pinch of Sichuan pepper
salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil


First, soak the cashews in cold water for at least 2 hours.
Clean the cauliflower, remove the more leathery green leaves (you can cook them in a pan in the following days, as this recipe suggests).
Cut the base of the cauliflower with a cross cut to facilitate cooking.
Clean the carrots and cut them into large pieces.
Arrange the cauliflower in a steaming net (or a basket), with the core facing the water, bring a pot to the boil with a little water (enough not to escape from the holes in the net) and steam for about 15 together with carrots.
The cauliflower should soften slightly, making it still crispy. When it is ready, remove it from the basket and put it on a plate until it is cold. Instead, leave the carrots to cook for 10 minutes, then remove them from the heat.

In a blender, blend the carrots together with the previously soaked cashews, 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of salt, a pinch of Sichuan pepper and half a teaspoon of smoked paprika, until a homogeneous and velvety cream is obtained.

Place the cauliflower on a cutting board and with the help of a knife, cut 4 sections about 1 cm thick.
Brush the cauliflower sections with extra virgin olive oil and salt slightly.

Put an iron pan lightly greased with extra virgin olive oil on the fire (I personally use the Lyonnaise, but if you don't have it you can get a similar effect using a grill). When hot, brown the cauliflower slices on both sides.

Serve hot, alternating the slices of cauliflower with the sauce. Use smoked paprika and Sichuan pepper to reinforce the flavor of the sauce on the surface. Garnish with edible flowers, such as calendula.
Recipe:  Cauliflower... that goodness!

Cookeneim is a cooking project from Francesca Luise - Venice, Italy.

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